Havighurst Development Stages
Dec 27, 2011
¢Developmental tasks of infancy and early childhood (up to 6 years of age)
¢1. Learning to walk
¢2. Learning to take solid foods
¢3. Learning to talk
4. Learning to control the elimination of body wastes
5.Learning sex differences and sexual modesty
¢6. Forming concepts and learning language to describe social and physical reality
¢7. Preparing to read
¢8. Learning to distinguish right and wrong, and the beginning of conscience development
B. Developmental tasks of middle childhood (ages 6-12 years)
¢1. Learning physical skills necessary for ordinary games
¢2. Building wholesome attitudes toward oneself as a growing organism
¢3. Learning to get along with peers
4. Learning an appropriate masculine or feminine social role
¢5. Developing fundamental skills in reading, writing, and calculating
¢6. Developing concepts necessary for everyday living
¢7. Developing morality, a conscience, and a set of values
¢8. Achieving personal independence
9. Developing attitudes toward social groups and institutions
to be continue,..
post berilmiah. followed u back :)